Saturday, 21 May 2011

#017 - God rejected my soul a day early.

So today is the day of rapture apparently. The time has come to meet our maker (or, if we're anyone except the very stupidest of Americans, just think up crap puns to do with the rapture and the world ending and post them on Facebook and Twitter).
If the world does end tonight (and by the time you've read this you'll know it won't have), then I may have been given a slight clue as to which vertical direction I might be traveling in.

Let me explain.

Last night was Cold in Berlin's show at Liverpool Sound City, a sort of Camden Crawl type of festival, except in Liverpool. Obviously.
The traffic was shit and it ended up taking us almost 8 hours to get there (made worse by the knowledge we were going to have to travel home the same night). Anyway after arriving, we had just enough time to get our passes and some dinner (triple sandwich from Tesco), and then it was off to the venue. Said venue was the crypt of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, and it was really, really nice inside.
Our excitement to play however, was mildly dampened by a phone call from the festival manager half an hour before our stage time, telling us that we would be unable to go on stage. This was due to the Dean of the church finding our music on the internet and deciding it was inappropriate for us to grace the crypt.
Some hardcore negotiation on the part of our manager ensured that we would be allowed on stage after all. Only with some concessions; we wouldn't be allowed to play opener 'God I Love You', or blaspheme in any of our songs. Censorship at a gig is not cool, but as we we had travelled the 8 hours to get there we weren't about to go back home. So with ten minutes to go set about re-writing and structuring our set so we could get through 30 minutes without offending anyone. A tall order.
Our efforts were in vain however, as four songs in we were cut off anyway, despite keeping to the agreement.

Back in the van we went.

You might wonder why the church would agree to such a gig in the first place. Well for the simple reason that churches really love money, and were glad to take the venue booking fees off Clash Magazine without any conditions in place. Maybe they should give the money back? If you have any thoughts then you can contact them.

I'll leave you to decide whether this song really is "about fucking God", as the church apparently described it.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus, God is so bigheaded! Haha, i mean, have some grace..
    Besides, if theyre going to think you like to sing about fucking God, they should perhaps take the title of the song more literally too.. mix it up a bit ;)
