Sunday, 24 April 2011

#014 - Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine.

For an atheist, I spend a very large proportion of my Sundays in a church. Every week I spend hours in a Surrey Quays chapel, writing for the next Cold in Berlin album. Today will be no different, but I wouldn't bet against the addition of a few chocolate eggs and a few moans about missing out on the weather.

If you aren't attending a church today, I would ask you to spend an hour remembering the real meaning of Easter. That is, of course, the 1978 album by Patti Smith. If you aren't already a hardened Patti Smith nut, then 'Easter' is the perfect way to initiate yourself. Its her most commercially accessible, but doesn't lack any of the bite of her other work.

'Til Victory'

'Rock and Roll Nigger'

Happy Easter everybody.

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